What my clients say about me
Coaching with Sophie forces me to explain to someone what is going well and what is not so well, allows me to think out loud and categorize my thoughts, feelings and strategize. Especially by feeling that there is no judgment. I can be 110% open without stress, even showing my worst sides. - Martin Landry, Founding President, Intelligence Industrielle
Sophie is caring and listens to my difficulties as a leader. She asks me the right questions so that I find the right solution to the problems I am trying to solve. Authenticity and transparency are the qualities that attracted me to working with Sophie and as an entrepreneur, I really appreciate being able to discuss my difficulties in an environment where one does not feel judged or which could have a negative effect on our business.- Evan Verni, President Founder, Flitech

Sophie's coaching support allowed me to get to know myself better, to listen to myself more, to invest time to develop my soft skills and personal development, to learn time management techniques. / team / leadership, to assert myself as a woman at work. - Anaëlle Caplain, project manager, engineering company.
She brings me on to thoughts that I never took the time to have not because I didn't have the time (because sometimes I took it), but because I believed those thoughts childish and obvious. By dwelling with her on these questions (eg how I feel about something), I realize that they are much less obvious than I thought and especially more important. - Michael Perreault, President-Founder, Eyful